“Seeking ways to reduce risks of GHSV-2 outbreaks made me bring attention to my connection to my body, I had to MAKE myself more attractive by becoming fit. I believed I had to have more to offer so that having herpes was insignificant to sexual partners. The process of establishing this connection, I learned to appreciate my body’s ability to withstand the pressure I put it under. I love how it responded not by doing what I wanted it too, but what I NEEDED it to do. The training I put my body through expanded to my mind. I learned not only do I HAVE a strong body & mind, but I myself am the strength that expresses itself through the body and mind in the formlessness of spirit, which explores, expresses and experiences itself through the tools of the body and mind. My relationship with my body didn’t ‘change’ after my GHSV-2 diagnosis, it began after my GHSV-2 diagnosis.”
“Initially my relationship with my body didn’t change after my herpes diagnosis. I stayed in a toxic relationship, took daily valacyclovir, and essentially ignored herpes as if it wasn’t there because I was scared that no one would want to have sex with me. After ending that relationship, I realized I couldn’t just ignore it and herpes didn’t define who I was. I stopped taking valacyclovir, I went to the gym at least five times a week to reduce my stress, and I began respecting my body more.”