“I was twenty three years old. I thought I was grown. I mean I was grown age wise but mindwise, not so much. But still, I did what any female in her early twenties did. I lived my life. While living my life I met a man that I thought I loved later on. Later on BUT before I woke up with three tiny white bumps inside my vagina. Later that day, I was diagnosed with HSV2, I was flabbergasted.
I couldn't look at myself in the mirror for a few days, I felt disgusting. I would take a mirror and look at my vagina and tell myself that nobody will ever like me again because of this virus. I shunned myself for a few months. It wasn't until I’d been exposed by people I thought were my friends that I stood tall in my diagnoses.
January 2018, I did a live chat with COLLEGEDAZEMEDIA on Instagram. That was the day i took my life back, I snatched it back. I looked at myself for the first time in a long time and told myself I loved me. My body that I once referred to as burnt out and broken is now the most beautiful creation to me. I never thought it would take coming out publicly to gain my confidence back.”